The Blue portfolio – a cleaner future is here

Introducing a Blue 420 kV SF6-free solution

Developing a 420 kV SF6-free solution isn’t easy, but possible. And now finally available. Siemens Energy is supplying SSEN with a 600 m gas-insulated busduct that uses clean air insulation instead of SF6, reducing its GWP to Zero.

Switching to Zero F-gases: there’s Zero time to lose

While everyone is now aware of the threat posed by climate change, there is still an alarming lack of urgency when it comes to decarbonization.


Global carbon emissions are not falling.  In fact, they hit an all-time high of 37.1bn metric tons in 2021.  The need to act fast cannot be overstated, especially in the energy sector which has a greater carbon impact than every other industry combined.


Renewable energy sources are only part of the solution.  It is essential that we achieve Zero Global Warming Potential (GWP) in the transmission of power as well as in its generation.


This means eliminating F-gases from electrical switchgear as soon as possible.  Most switchgear still uses SF6 for insulation – a gas 24,300 times more climate-hostile than CO2 and one which stays in the atmosphere for up to 3,200 years.  The new F-gas alternatives are also harmful to the environment when released.


With viable clean alternatives such as our Blue portfolio already in operation, F-gases are no longer needed. Legislation can play an important part here, and the EU is currently considering new regulations to curb their use.  But the key to tackling the situation is forming partnerships.


No single company or organization has all the answers.  All industry stakeholders – companies, governments, scientists, even competitors – need to join forces.  That’s why we have already formed a number of such partnerships, which you can read more about here.

Less global warming potential is not good enough. It has to be Zero, because 1% global warming potential is still global warming potential. It has to be Zero and it has to be now.
Nikola Jankulovski, Siemens Energy Project Lead


We’ve seen the future. And it’s Blue.

As these two videos show, the clean air technology used in our Blue switchgear is the only viable and sustainable way forward.

The case for clean air

Blue vs. the alternatives

Future-ready, future-proof, Zero compromise

What makes electrical switchgear ‘future-proof’? It has to meet the following key criteria. And our Blue switchgear meets each one without compromise.
Sustainability by technology

The Blue portfolio: not just Zero F gases, but Zero reduction in performance

Our Blue products use vacuum switching technology and clean air insulation to produce Zero harmful emissions – and without having to compromise on performance or economic feasibility.   With over 10 years of experience in high-voltage vacuum switching, we have been able to maintain outstanding levels of technical performance and low lifecycle costs while reducing our ecological footprint to an enormous extent.   Blue is already the perfect choice for substation products. And with the help of our strong partnerships, we can develop and implement it even further and faster.
Siemens Energy Blue high-voltage product portfolio

Presenting Zero: the Blue portfolio

Blue Portfolio Whitepaper

  • CO2 neutral Blue products for sustainable power grids with Zero greenhouse gases
  • Why phasing out F-gases is necessary and feasible.

Blue goes digital: why Sensgear makes sense.

Success stories

Blue switchgear: making an impact through Zero impact

Zero-emission, Zero-harm Blue technology is already making significant contributions to many decarbonization projects around the world – as these examples demonstrate:

Introducing a Blue 420 kV SF6-free solution

Developing a 420 kV SF6-free solution isn’t easy. But it is possible. And it’s available now, because climate change demands we act now to reduce the GWP of high-voltage products to Zero. Siemens Energy is supplying SSEN with a 600 m gas-insulated busduct which cuts out 3 tons of SF6, by using clean air insulation instead, which is the equivalent of 75,000 tons of CO2. Connecting new renewable generation to the grid by operating at 420 kV voltage level. A significant step towards reducing the use of F-gases to Zero.

Wind energy. Made even greener by our Blue switchgear.

Could offshore wind power be any cleaner? Actually, yes – when the turbines are fitted with Blue switchgear from Siemens Energy, delivering Zero F-gases and Zero GWP in transmission. Our 8VM1 Blue GIS is a success story of which we recently delivered no. 1000! This bay was one of 160 delivered to the world's largest wind farm, bringing Zero emissions to the renewable energy of the Netherlands.

Being CO2-neutral is the future and the target for our customers in the offshore wind market, as it is for us at Siemens Energy.
Ann-Sofie Bonde Mortensen Global Vertical Sales Manager Offshore Wind, Siemens Energy

How Blue is bringing Day Zero to Bergen Port

The picturesque port of Bergen in western Norway is a great attraction for cruise ships.  However, these vessels used to power up in the harbour using their diesel engines – generating smog which lingered around the mountains surrounding the city. Now, thanks to BKK Nett and Blue switchgear technology, the ships use only clean power – with Zero greenhouse gas emissions, Zero F-gases and Zero pollution. Even better, Blue switchgear manufactured in the Berlin factory is made using only renewable energy.  The aim is sustainability from the start; Day Zero from day one.

We managed to make the change in Bergen despite having restricted space in our substations. The station has now been in operation for a year, and the experience is what we expected: problem-free.
Jens Skår, Division Manager, BKK Nett

Netze BW, Burladingen (Germany)

Close cooperation with Netze BW was essential to the development of their new high-voltage substation in Burladingen, southern Germany. It is the first in the world to be ecoefficient, to operate without SF6 and to use digitalization to achieve new levels of connectivity.  Both parties have gained enormously from the project in terms of acquiring knowledge – but of course the biggest beneficiary will be the planet.

The innovation level in this project is very high. The substation of the future is a bold step for us, that requires trust.
Marcel Engel, Netze BW expert for grid development

A Finland first: a major new investment in switchgear with Zero F-gases

Siemens Energy has been awarded the contract to deliver ten bays of Blue gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) to Fingrid, Finland’s transmission system operator. It will be the first GIS in Finland that replaces F-gases with clean air, a pure mixture of nitrogen and oxygen with Zero potential for global warming. This will be the most significant Blue installation to date.

With Siemens Energy we have found a reliable partner that offers innovative products with absolutely Zero climate-harming fluorinated gases.
Timo Kiiveri, Senior Vice President at Fingrid

Westnetz, Hesseln (Germany)

Siemens Energy partnered with grid operator Westnetz to drive decarbonization and digitalization in energy transmission by installing innovative new switchgear at their Hesseln substation.  The F-gas-free, digitally-enabled 145kV 3VA1 Blue circuit breakers incorporate SensgearTM, a cloud-based online monitoring solution that provides data to improve grid operation, asset management and maintenance. Learnings from the project will be used to further develop the SensgearTM technology.

The medium-term replacement of the insulating gas SF6 is an essential component of the decarbonization strategy of our EON Group. We therefore welcome the activities in industry to develop alternative products in order to be able to test them in our network, as well as the implementation of digitization components.
Dr. Markus Obergünner, Senior Vice President High Voltage Grid, Westnetz GmbH

It’s not about transactions.  It’s about interactions.

At Siemens Energy, we see a partnership as much more than a simple supplier-client relationship.  It goes way beyond the placing and delivery of an order.

Rather, it’s a close alliance between both parties.  We work together towards a shared goal, developing the end solution by exchanging ideas and expertise at every stage.


This collaborative, interactive approach is mutually beneficial.  Solutions can be shaped to meet particular requirements and the optimal set-up is reached more quickly.

Read more here


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