Services for Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)

In the field of flexible AC transmission systems,
are serviced by Siemens Energy Transmission Service
Enable your FACTS installation to keep up with the future
Increase the reliability of AC networks and reduce power delivery costs with your flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) not just today, but also in many years to come. Even if your FACTS devices have performed well so far, various services are required to keep up their high performance, efficiency, and reliability of the years.Safety, reliability, and availability for FACTS throughout the entire lifecycle
In times with growing bottlenecks, uncontrolled load flows, and instabilities due to the liberalization of the energy market and the increasing share of volatile renewable energies, TSOs have to make sure that their FACTS installations are working at their best to enhance grid stability and power quality. Regular maintenance, health and security checks, modernization, and retrofit as well as many other services are needed to ensure the safety, reliability, and availability of your FACTS installation throughout the entire lifecycle. That's what Siemens Energy is committed to.
At Siemens Energy, we provide you with all kinds of comprehensive services for FACTS solutions and contribute professionals with many years of experience and qualifications in the utility and infrastructure industries. You benefit from a maximized lifetime of your FACTS station, minimized downtimes, and unpredictable expenses during offline maintenance activities. You also secure the highest availability and reliability with a safe investment. Furthermore, having your FACTS managed, operated, and maintained by our experts allows you to focus on your core businessactivities. You also secure the highest availability and reliability with a safe investment. Furthermore, having your FACTS managed, operated, and maintained by our experts allows you to focus on your core business.
Benefit from our services for the following FACTS solutions
Highlight services for even more reliable FACTS
With Siemens Energy, you can count on an experienced service partner with a comprehensive spectrum of customized services for your FACTS equipment. This also includes state-of-the-art offerings and highlights such as our cyber security services that protect your FACTS installation against all kinds of digital threats.Is your FACTS installation ready to tackle the security challenges of digitalization?
Digitalization changes our energy systems. It offers great prospects and new business opportunities, but also harbors challenges in terms of cyber security. Cyber threats that endanger a stable operation can include attacks on communication between FACTS devices, on time- and synchronization-based control algorithms, and malicious sending of incorrect operational data. All these attacks can and should be prevented in advance. Even without a direct Internet connection, manipulated IT devices and the engineers’ and maintainers’ laptop also pose risks. To protect FACTS, we offer comprehensive cyber security support and services based on an in-depth defense concept. We identify your technical vulnerabilities, recommend appropriate security measures, and carry out their implementation. Our services for cyber security include:
- Consulting regarding e.g. requirements, evaluating the own status quo and recommending the resulting security measures
- Patch management (three service levels)
- Security reviews, penetration tests and incident handling.
Cyber Security Services for FACTS you can count on
Cyber threats are increasing with serious consequences for companies and communities worldwide. Critical infrastructure, such as power transmission systems, is increasingly becoming the main focus.
Today, IT systems are the foundation of critical processes for most companies. This leads to significantly increased risks of being attacked by hackers or viruses, and patching software weaknesses is not a onetime task but an ongoing endeavor throughout the system’s lifetime. For these reasons, Siemens Energy has developed a comprehensive cyber security service portfolio for FACTS to support you.
We check up on your system and help to prevent failures
Every service you need for your FACTS
It’s our mission to keep flexible AC transmission systems in perfect shape for efficient, reliable, and highly available operation as well as for the changing demands of the future. That’s why our comprehensive service portfolio for FACTS covers the whole range of proactive and reactive services.
Get in contact with our Customer Support
Do you need help on a concrete project? Do you need a quote for any of our products or solutions? Do you need support for your installed equipment? Do you have a technical question? Do you need something totally different? You can contact us 24/7. We are looking forward to your request.