Forging a net-zero future through collaborative innovation, from fossil fuels to renewable resources
The evidence is irrefutable. We’re not on track to meet Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) targets. The alarming consequences include shrinking glaciers, vanishing coastlines, and natural catastrophes, to name a few. We’re missing the mark on another front as well: approximately 850 million people, more than 10 percent of the global population, lack access to power.There is still hope, however.
We can beat this, if we act quickly and in concert, through innovation. That’s where we come in. Our capabilities span the new energy value chain, from carbon-cutting technologies for oil & gas and power applications, to wind and hydrogen solutions.
With an annual R&D spend of approximately 1 billion EUR, we’re leading by example and collaborating closely with strategic partners across the energy ecosystem to make tomorrow different today, through
Applied to mobility, a renewable energy source (typically wind or solar) powers the electrolysis of water to produce green hydrogen, which is subsequently converted to an e-fuel (e.g., e-gasoline, e-methanol, e-kerosene), enabling net-neutral transportation. With sector coupling, geography no longer poses an obstacle to renewables. Wind and solar energy can be harnessed virtually anywhere—including atmospherically advantageous, albeit remote locations—as an emissions-free fuel or feedstock.
Sector coupling has a range of applications outside of mobility, including agriculture, petrochemical processes, heating and cooling, and steel production. For an overview of applications and Siemens Energy project examples, see interactive graphic below.
As the global population continues to grow rapidly, so does its demand for food, and fertilizers. Produced primarily from fossil fuels, today’s fertilizers emit high amounts of CO₂. Through the synthesis of e-fertilizer and e-ammonia from green hydrogen and nitrogen, we can decarbonize agricultural production.
Forging a net-zero future through collaborative innovation.
To learn more, click on the icons below.

The propulsion system holds the biggest influence not only on performance, security, and cost-effectiveness - but also on greenhouse gas emissions of a ship. Advanced ship propulsion systems greatly reduce fuel consumption, and therefore CO₂ emissions and operating cost.

BlueVault™ is an advanced lithium-ion battery-based solution, suited for both all-electric and hybrid energy-storage applications. The battery is designed to maximize life, performance and safety. BlueVault™ can be installed in newbuild as well as retrofit diesel-electric power plants and in all type vessels, drilling or FPSO.

In Wunsiedel, Siemens Energy builds on of Germany’s biggest hydrogen plants with an annual production capacity of 1,350 t of green hydrogen – the equivalent of 13,500 t CO₂ not being emitted into the atmosphere.

Siemens Energy will implement an electrolyzer plant nearbly the solar park of Kassø, Denmark. The hydrogen will be used for cost-effective e-fuel production securing the e-methanol supply for Maersk’s first e-methanol driven container vessel.

An electrolyzer plant will be integrated in the existing local hydrogen and oxygen pipeline structure of Air Liquide in Germany.

Vattenfall and Siemens Energy are building a novel high-temperature industrial heat pump that will supply Berlins district heating system with net-zero heat. This is a pioneering project on the way to decarbonizing heat.

A cutting-edge gas-fired power plant will make Leipzig independent from lignite-fired district heating generation. The long-term goal is to operate the facility with 100% hydrogen.

A powerful multi-site application provides DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority) with a highly reliable and available energy management system.

Grid resilience means resuming normal power grid operations, anytime and anywhere. Learn how to balance grid fluctuations from renewable energy sources.