A decarbonized grid is crucial for the energy transition
To cope with the growing infeed of fluctuating renewables, the transmission and distribution network needs modernization, expansion, and improvements in efficiency as well as stability. We are increasing the efficiency of our transmission technologies to transport renewable energy to consumers faster, over longer distances, more reliably and with lower losses. In addition, we are expanding our market leading portfolio of SF6-free transmission products and systems. With the blue portfolio we are defining new and exceptionally stringent criteria that far exceed the scope of current safety and environmental standards setting the pace in decarbonization efforts. We are supporting our customers on their path towards decarbonization by offering efficient, reliable products and solutions that reduce both - emissions and costs.
GIS Clean Air Technology
Siemens Energy is committed to decarbonizing its products and solutions. One major stepping stone in these efforts is the use of clean air technology for our port-folio of gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) – also for application in wind turbines. Clean air techno-logy is SF6-free, F-gas-free, and completely greenhouse gas-free. By applying clean air technology to our solutions, we’re signifi-cantly reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from our solutions already today.

High-voltage direct current (HVDC) is ideal for bridging the distances between large-scale renewable power generating installations such as offshore wind farms and the load centers they serve. In a multi-terminal configuration, the collecting of renewable power can be com-bined with pan-continental inte-gration of power transmission systems, such as for intercon-necting multiple regional or national AC grids.
In coordination with the con-nected AC systems, HVDC can provide important services for maintaining power system stability under even the most challenging conditions. HVDC thereby plays a key enabler role in the energy transition.

Siemens Energy Integrated Offshore Station
Thanks to continuous innovative advancements, we’ve succeeded in reducing the topside volume of our platform by about 65% in relation to the power rating, which also diminishes the weight by 50%. This has a significant positive impact on its carbon footprint because less steal is needed to construct the platform.

High-voltage direct current (HVDC) is ideal for bridging the distances between large-scale renewable power generating installations such as offshore wind farms and the load centers they serve. In a multi-terminal configuration, the collecting of renewable power can be com-bined with pan-continental inte-gration of power transmission systems, such as for intercon-necting multiple regional or national AC grids.
In coordination with the con-nected AC systems, HVDC can provide important services for maintaining power system stability under even the most challenging conditions. HVDC thereby plays a key enabler role in the energy transition.

Synchronous Condenser
Parallel connected synchronous condensers are mainly used for providing short-circuit power and inertia. They also help to stabilize the network through voltage recovery during faults. This ability is becoming increasingly impor-tant as the rising share of renew-able power generation and the fluctuating nature of its power feed-in can lead to a lack of short-circuit power and inertia.
When fossil-fuel power plants are in standby shutdown, synchro-nous condenser solutions use a conventional generator to provide the necessary inertia and short-circuit contribution by means of its rotating mass while also provi-ding or absorbing reactive power.

Transformer insulation with alternative fluids
The use of biodegradable ester fluids as insulation of trans-formers instead of oil consid-erably increases the climate performance of the grid infra-structure. Ester fluids have a lower flame point and can be sustainably used offshore and in other sensitive environmental areas.
Alternative fluids are an effective lever to increase sustainability and safety of transmission and distribution products. Natural and synthetic ester insulation is now not only available for transfor-mers, but also for bushings, coils and instrument transformers.

Blue GIS - Substation
Our Blue portfolio makes it possible to modernize and expand the existing power grids at the highest level of safety and to simultaneously reduce our eco- logical footprint to an enormous extent without having to com-promise on performance and economic feasibility. The combi-nation of vacuum switching technology and clean air insulation reduces emissions while greatly increasing the recycling.

HV-transmission assets are a critical part to supply high
quality energy to our society. We have the unique competence as an OEM to render a compre-hensive suite of services to keep your assets in service over decades. This includes spare parts, refur-bishments, digitalization such as SIEAERO, our overhead power line (OHL) inspection technology based on drones and artificial intelligence, consulting and audits – even full service such as operation and maintenance contracts.

SVC PLUS FS® - Frequency Stabilizer
The share of electric power produced from renewable energy sources is growing worldwide. However, the intermittent, fluctu-ating nature of power feed-in from renewables puts significant strain on the electricity grids. Due to the geographical locations where renewable energy is harnessed, the distances from generating installations to load centers are growing, causing voltage and frequency fluctu-ations to occur. SVC PLUS FS® is the frequency stabilizer extension of our SVC PLUS® STATCOM, offering energy storage by supercapacitors. In addition to reactive power compensation, it enables active power to be injected or stored to balance the frequency in the grid.

The share of electric power pro-duced from renewable energy sources is growing worldwide. However, the intermittent, fluctu-ating nature of power feed-in from renewables puts significant strain on the electricity grids. Due to the geographical locations where renewable energy is harnessed, the distances from generating installations to load centers are growing, causing voltage and frequency fluctu-ations to occur. Voltage fluctu-ations can be compensated for by regulating the reactive power using our SVC PLUS® technology. Additional features are available with SVC PLUS® technology, e.g. Active Filtering of harmonics and Grid Forming functionality.