Kekeli Efficient Power

Lomé, Togolese Republic

How to help Togo meet almost 40% of its electricity demand? 

Siemens Energy has successfully delivered an SGT-800 gas turbine as well as an SST-200 steam turbine  to the site of Kékéli Efficient Power S.A., supporting improved access to reliable and affordable energy in the West African nation. This project is part of a memorandum of understanding, signed between the Republic of Togo, Siemens Energy, Pan-African industrial group Eranove, and EPC partner TSK Group, to develop the country's first gas-fired combined cycle power plant, with a power of 65 megawatt (MW).

The gas turbine has been put into operation on April 26, 2021 during a ceremony held in presence of the Republic’s President H.E. Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé. The works to complete the rest of the power plant, notably the steam cycle and steam turbine, will be commissioned soon.

Insight from the site

I like working on this project because I feel that we are contributing to the improvement of the living conditions of the local population. On site, everyone works together - customer, subcontractors and Siemens Energy engineers - in a very friendly atmosphere.
Kouame Simeon Secre, Commercial Project Manager at Siemens Energy 


  • Meet the government ambitions to achieve 100% country electrification at affordable cost by 2030, up from 45% back in 2018.
  • Secure and decarbonize Togo’s energy mix by reducing reliance on heavy fuel oil (HFO) reciprocating engines power plants which dominate the energy production.


  • Siemens Energy has provided one SGT-800 gas turbine and other key components for the 65 MW combined cycle Kekeli Efficient Power plant project.
  • Eranove and Siemens Energy are committed to ensuring the long-term maintenance of the power plant.


  • The 65 MW plant will cover almost 40% of the country’s expected demand at completion, providing sustainable and affordable electricity.  
  • It creates job opportunities for Togolese citizens, through the development of training in management, operations and maintenance.
  • This alternative to HFO power plant, emits 20% less CO2 emissions by unit of electrical energy produced.
  • It offers flexibility and security as the gas turbine can be fueled by natural gas or by liquefied propane gas.
  • It stabilizes the power grid in Togo which enables easier integration of renewables into the grid.