Innovative Power Plant Solutions
Individual power plants that create value
As energy consumption will continue to increase in the years to come, efficient power generation will be a vital component to reliable, eco-friendly energy systems. Fluctuations are more frequently and at shorter intervals. Energy markets around the world are demanding more and more from their participants – whether that be responding flexibly to fluctuations, observing increasingly stringent emission limits, supplying power at lower and lower costs, or ensuring supply under adverse conditions. Anyone looking to stay ahead of the game needs more than an “off-the-shelf” power plant. You need an individual power plant solution aligned with your objectives? Whether it’s a small, integrated system or a heavy-duty power plant, a purely gas-fired simple cycle or a combined cycle power plant, we’ll collaborate closely with you to find and construct a solution optimized specifically for you.
Power of innovation built on tradition
Our ideas grow from experience: In 1866, Werner von Siemens developed the first electric generator, and Siemens Energy built the first power plant in 1885. This spirit of invention is what has driven our power business ever since. Since 1990, we`ve brought more than a hundred turnkey power plants online, supplying hundreds of GW of electricity.. Each of them has been constructed with customized solutions to meet our customers’ individual challenges. In other words, we’ve always been involved in supplying electricity to industries, regions, and people all over the world. That’s our purpose. Let’s make tomorrow different today!A truly integrated solution always comes from a single source
We have the most extensive in-house technology portfolio on the market, which allows us to choose the most appropriate products to incorporate into your solution. That allows you to benefit from our expertise as an OEM EPC and from the certainty of one-stop procurement – for every one of your projects.
• From individual components like I&C to power islands and turnkey power plants
• Simple cycle power plants, thermal power plants, combined cycle power plants
• From industrial of about 20 MW to 2,000-MW heavy-duty power plants
• For 50- and 60-Hz grids
• As combined heat and power (CHP) for maximum fuel utilization
• Net plant efficiencies in excess of 63 percent
• Extraordinarily reliable, low in emissions, and easy on resources

A cleaner power sector for Vietnam

The climate case for hydrogen technologies in Vietnam