Decarbonizing operations in process industries

Efficient, optimized, fuel flexible.

Energy is the critical factor for all process industries that are turning raw materials into semi-finished or final products by undergoing chemical or mechanical processes - such as chemical and petrochemical industries, steel mills, fertilizer plants, the food and beverage industries and many more. The energy transition ushered a new industrial era. And we are ready to energize it.


Our Business Area Transformation of Industry provides a unique combination of mission-critical rotating equipment, applications for electrification, automation and digitalization for process industries that our customers and partners can rely on to make their individual decarbonization priorities a reality. We support industrial operations to become smarter, more efficient, more sustainable resulting both in superior CAPEX and OPEX utilization, and an improved environmental footprint.


Meet our experts


The industrial world is still dependent on fossil fuels

Cement, steel, and chemicals require carbon and fossil fuels as part of their production process and account for a large portion of global emissions. However, we can decarbonize these hard-to-abate industries through technological innovations and alliances. 

Read the article from Anne-Laure de Chammard, Executive Vice President Siemens Energy.

"The decarbonized future is emerging. It leads to the modernization of industry, bears the chance of competitiveness, and, thus, creates and ensures jobs. Together with our customers, we lead the change towards a green economy and a secure future perspective."


Anne-Laure de Chammard, Member of the Executive Board & Executive Vice President Transformation of Industry, Siemens Energy


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Industry future


Value from waste

Waste heat recovery represents a significant opportunity for cement producers to improve plant efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint. This article looks at several proven technologies for capturing and utilising waste heat, and explores additional pathways for industry decarbonisation through sector coupling.(International Cement Review, December 2022).

Find out how to become more energy efficient in the cement industry
Read the article about waste heat recovery


Gas turbines

Ready for hydrogen


Preparing gas turbines for the energy transition

There is an increasing need, and potential, for hydrogen to decarbonize power generation. In this comprehensive white paper, learn about how Siemens Energy is approaching this unprecedented opportunity, readying gas turbines for the energy transition. 


Key drivers on the way to net zero

Process industries provide ingredients for the well-being and growth of societies: materials for infrastructure, machinery and goods – sustainable, reliable and flexible energy is pivotal for industries such as petrochemicals, chemicals, fertilizers, metals, mining, and cement.

Our pathways to sustainability

With our proven technologies, we help plant operators to realize sustainable and decarbonized industrial processes while maintaining maximum efficiency and reliability.

Our many years of experience in industrial applications enables us to help our customers build flexible and customized solutions that deliver reliable, affordable and sustainable energy. Efficiency, environmentally more compatible fuels and fit-for-purpose operations are key to master the energy transition.

Reducing carbon footprint while driving profitable growth

The more efficiently we use electricity, heat and fuels, the more successful the energy transition will be. The cleanest and cheapest energy is that which is not used in the first place. Increasing energy efficiency is key to a successful energy transition. 


Discover our offerings below.

Providing safe, reliable, and efficient operations, while delivering on net zero

There’s a need for different solutions in different parts of the world – and the different portfolios using different fuels to generate electricity. Switching fuels from fossil fuels to renewables for electric power generation is a another key factor in mastering the energy transition.


Discover our offerings below.

Adaptability and scalability for steady operations

Together with our customers we work on adaptible solutions to adjust to changing and complex regulatory requirements.

Our flexible technologies can easily adapt to new boundaries and have the ability to scale up and meet growing energy demand. Through standardized modules industrial systems can grow when needed. 


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Sound knowledge in various industries and application fields

We combine our rich heritage and highly capable people to create tangible results for the benefit of the process industry and the world on the way to net zero.

Energy transition and decarbonization: Pathways for the chemical industry

In our new whitepaper  Stefan Diezinger and Thomas Tiemeyer show pathways for the chemical sector to bring its operations and value chain on track toward a more sustainable and resilient energy future.

Decarbonizing this industry is particularly important because of its key role in delivering technology, products, and services that enable the energy transition, and because by reducing its CO₂ emissions, it will enable other sectors downstream to decarbonize their own value chain. 

Cross-industrial portfolio elements

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residual utilization

Residual utilization in fuel flexible gas turbines

Optimizing operating costs, efficiency, and sustainability in the chemical industry

Find out how to become more energy efficient in chemical industry
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Efficient and sustainable process industries - The industrial sector currently accounts for a large share of all energy used worldwide and global CO2 emissions. What’s needed are smarter ways of operating energy intensive industries. Our newsletter provides examples how to achive that. Find out more and stay up to date with our newsletter.

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