Energy transition on the horizon
Power sector decarbonization
The world is hungry for energy, and climate change calls for lower emissions. Industries and power generation companies take on both challenges while running their daily operations.
These are demanding times. The companies need efficient, reliable decarbonization technologies to succeed, plus innovative, individual solutions that adapt to their decarbonization strategies.

Why it’s time to fast-track carbon capture to future-proof power plants
Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology isn’t new and it’s been much maligned and overlooked. Yet Siemens Energy Expert Daniel Hofmann says that is changing. He explains why, and also makes the case for CCUS as an essential ‘no regrets’ technology to achieve climate change targets and to future-proof power plants.
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We adapt to new realities and seize emerging opportunities. But decarbonization takes time. It’s not an overnight shift. We are pragmatic and thorough. Our approach is holistic and step by step.
We improve the efficiency of existing energy assets. We upgrade and modernize wherever possible. The transition away from conventional fuels comes next. We move from coal to gas and then to hybrid systems and cleaner fuels, such as hydrogen.
This is how Siemens Energy leads the way to a deeply decarbonized world. This is how we support governments, utilities, and industry to a transformed system of energy.
Decarbonizing energy systems - step by step
Click the animation below, and we'll take you on our energy transition journey. You will see how zero CO2 emissions can become reality.
Partner of the energy transition

Siemens Energy will shape the future of energy systems. We want to be climate neutral. And we want to gradually decarbonize our portfolio.
We already support our customers on their path towards decarbonization. Efficient, reliable technologies, and service solutions that reduce emissions and costs: Siemens Energy is here to transform the world of energy.
Let’s get to work and make real what matters. Let’s energize society with our unique portfolio. Fuel-flexible and hydrogen-ready gas turbines. Combined cycle plants. Hybrid power and energy storage. Power-to-x and sector coupling. We have what it takes to decarbonize society.

White Paper: Toward a new energy system
In 2020, coal was responsible for a hefty 36% of all energy-related CO₂ emissions. But as we trade out fossil fuels for renewables, is it possible to maintain stable and reliable dispatchable power? Our new White Paper aims to give you a holistic view of how we can shape the energy transition together.