Honestly, it's time to get real
Based on the collected feedback from industry experts across Europe, Siemens Energy and Roland Berger have joined forces to present our first Energy Transition Readiness Index report for the region, which gives insights into the key priorities for Europe and offers an in-depth analysis into the region's energy transition.
Europe Energy Transition
With a different focus on Energy Transition, we are also driving Europe Energy Talks: a series of hybrid and virtual events, taking place in different parts of Europe throughout 2022/2023. The events will focus on how to tackle the tough challenges the entire energy industry is facing today. They will continue the dialogue started at the Europe Energy Week 2021 asking questions about how we can meet the growing demand for electricity and protect our climate at the same time; how we can build new energy systems across the globe and combat climate change by making sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy possible; and how global challenges are spurring on an increased demand for sustainable heat generation and utilization.
How can we ensure energy security and affordability – and still accelerate the journey to net zero?
Bringing leaders together from the energy sector in Europe for focused discussions on tackling the tough challenges the entire energy industry is facing today.
At our most recent Europe Energy Talks, which took place at Enlit Europe in Frankfurt on 30 November, we discussed how we can ensure energy security and affordability – and still accelerate the journey to net zero.
Why are Energy Talks so important?
"We need to transform the energy system in a volatile world and ensure it is sustainable, reliable and affordable. European companies are at the forefront of environmental and resource-efficient production. But the holistic energy transition is possible only in co-operation with partners. Therefore, our Europe Energy Talks bring key industry players and decision-makers together to discuss and take action how to tackle the challenges on the way to a more sustainable and decarbonized world. "Ariel Porat, Senior Vice President, Head of Hub Europe
How can we ensure energy security and affordability – and still accelerate the journey to net zero?
Wednesday 30 November, 3pm CET
The Russian war against Ukraine has turned the European energy industry on its head. Prices are at an all-time-high and security of supply is in doubt in many countries.
Add in the long-term existential threat of climate change and it’s easy to see why the energy industry is in crisis. In our panel we will bring together experts to talk about the need to balance the energy trilemma and their thoughts on the way forward for the industry.
The energy crisis is directly influencing energy transition policy decisions being made today but we see that there are green shoots of hope and projects and solutions that tackle growing energy demand in a secure and sustainable way.
At our live and broadcast Siemens Energy Europe Talks we will discuss the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition in view of the expanding energy crisis in Europe:
- With such a varied energy-mix across Europe; which countries are getting it right? And which technologies and projects are paving the way?
- How we can work together to ensure we use our energy resources efficiently and fully explore sector coupling capabilities?
- Whether todays’ energy crisis will strangle or sky-rocket decarbonization across the sector?
- And, whether the supply chain crunch has the potential to derail our collective efforts?
There are some perfect examples illustrating the combination that is exactly needed today, ensuring we use our energy resources efficiently fully exploring sector coupling capabilities, like combined heat and power applications. Thus raising efficiency for meeting growing energy demand and at the same time doing it in a climate-friendly way to secure sustainable future for our next generations.
Kelvin Ross - Editor-in-Chief of Enlit Europe (Moderator)
Ariel Porat - Senior Vice President, Head of Hub Europe, Siemens Energy (Welcome)
Marcus Adlon - Managing Director, MVV Green Heat GmbH
Dr. Hannah König – Head of Procurement, EnBW
Dr. Holger Kreetz - COO Asset Management, Uniper
Jens Mueller-Belau – Managing Director Energy Transition (Germany), Shell
Christoph Schuette - Managing Director, Siemens Energy Germany
Dr. Jörg Unger - Senior Vice President Low Carbon Emission Technologies & Projects, BASF
Watch the recording of the first Energy Talks
Watch the first Europe Energy Talk - 'Decarbonization of the North Sea for a successful Energy Transition' - from 31 August, where the panel discuss the regional challenges and opportunities facing the North Sea in the journey of evolution and transformation towards a decarbonized world.
Liv Monica Stubholt, Partner/Lawyer, Advokatfirmaet Selmer AS; Bjørn Einar Brath, General Manager - Norway, Siemens Energy; Elisabeth Birkeland Kvalheim, Acting EVP - Technology Digital and Innovation TDI, Equinor; Per Lund, CEO, Odfjell Ocean Wind; Erling Ronglan, CEO, Ocean-Power AS