Honestly, we've got some unfinished business
While striving for energy security, we’re all behind on our energy transition targets, and the challenges for industry are becoming ever greater and more urgent. We need to act now.
The good news is that together we can reach those targets, with the right technology and the right people – by working on accelerating renewables, improving energy efficiency, expanding existing infrastructure, strengthening the grid and securing the supply chain and necessary resources.
Of course, you can still join the conversation with us and Siemens Gamesa Renewables Energy how to master the energy transition.
Decarbonization. Let's get it done.
Decarbonizing your business is your priority?
Discuss with our experts the key technologies that accelerate the energy transition while enhancing energy security.
Honestly, the world isn’t prepared for renewables
The grid needs serious updating if we’re serious about fully delivering.
Much needs to be done to make the grid ready for the new energy future. The fact is that the current infrastructure is simply not equipped to handle a substantial rise in renewables.
There’s an urgent need for more investment – and for a clear plan of action.
Decarbonization and more - our agenda at Hannover Messe 2023
Hannover Messe 2023 has closed its gates. Now it is time to look back on interesting discussions, keynotes and presentations of our experts. Below you'll find a broad selection of recordings in case you have not been able to visit us.Energy intensive industries are fundamental to our modern life. However, these industries contribute significantly to global Green House Gas emissions, accounting for around 30 percent. It is essential to decarbonize these industries to reach global net-zero goals, but it's challenging. The solution requires exploring the necessary technologies and examining the vital role that partnerships play in achieving a sustainable future.
Keynote (3 min)
- Anne-Laure the Chammard, Member of the Executive Board, Siemens Energy
Technology pitches (43 min)
- Kendra Rauschenberger (co-moderation), General manager, Siemens Energy Ventures
- Philipp Offenberg (co-moderation), Senior Manager, Breakthrough Energy
- Michael Geyer, Managing Director, Malta
- Emanuel Heisenberg, Founder & CEO, ecoworks
- Marcell Zambo, Europe Strategy & Operations Lead, Rondo Energy
- Niklas Friese, Co-Founder, Heatrix
Panel discussion (38 min)
- Kai Koelmel (moderation), Vice President Communications, Siemens Energy
- Anne-Laure de Chammard, Member of the Executive Board, Siemens Energy
- Akio Ito, Senior Partner, Roland Berger
- Markus Weber, Group Chief Technology Officer, thyssenkrupp Electrical Steel
- Philippe Vindevoghel, Vice President Global Chemical / Industrial Gas Markets, TotalEnergies
Panel discussion on the role of capital markets in the context of industrial transformation: What can be the impact of an equity invest when it comes to the changes that we are currently going through?
Panel discussion (41 min)
- Thomas Franke (moderation), Senior Partner Financial Communications, Kreab Germany
- Philipp Finter, Sustainable Investment Office, Metzler Asset Management
- Jan Koepper, Head of Impact, Transparency and Sustainability, GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
- Prof. Joerg Rocholl, President ESMT
- Dieter Vollkommer, Vice President Sustainability & CSR, Siemens Energy
If we look at the news, we are always faced with many different questions that also affect us such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in the US or cost pressure and increasing energy prices in Europe. These topics are highly relevant for us especially as the technologies with which we want to do the energy transition are also available in Europe. The panel discussion covers the topics above, the challenges and the solutions.
Panel discussion (57 min)
- Oliver Beckel, Director Public Affairs, Hanwha Q CELLS
- Prof. Thomas Thiemann, Senior Vice President Transition Technology, Siemens Energy
- Tony Adam, Director Public Affairs, Nordex Group
- Kerstin Jorna, Director General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneur, European Commission
- Dennis Rendschmidt (moderator), Managing Director, VDMA Power Systems
Panel discussion about the transformation of the energy sector, climate-neutral power plants and decarbonization strategies for low or zero carbon heat and power.
Keynote and panel discussion (39 min)
- Rohit Prasad, Senior Sales Manager Hydrogen Projects, Rolls-Royce Power Systems
- Christoph Schuette, Vice President, Siemens Energy
- Gerd-Dieter Krieger (keynote and moderator), Deputy Managing Director, VDMA Power Systems
Decarbonization, grid stability, electrification, the role of hydrogen - just a couple of topics that were presented by our experts supporting our customers on their individual way to a low or net zero future.
Trends and challenges of innovations in electrolyzer technology (10 min)
- Philipp Lettenmeier
Scaling up the hydrogen industry (7 min)
- Nima Pegemanyfar
- Sebastian König (Air Liquide)
"CO2-neutral production": Building sustainable energy supply in times of crisis (12 min - available in German language only)
- Boris Rigault
Asset digitalization in the grid and the energy trilemma (12 min)
- Tarik Radwan
- Lasse Kleinjohann
Accelerate your journey to decarbonization through digitalization (16 min)
- Simona Rosetti
State-of-the-art approaches in OT cybersecurity (20 min)
- Asim Zaidi
How far are we from a carbon-neutral industry and how to get it done (15 min)
- Saskia Baumann
- Marcel Hilgers (Thyssen Krupp)
How microgrids and hybrid power plants can provide resilience to European power grids (20 min)
- Dino Ablakovic
Reducing emissions through electrification and next generation compressors (16 min)
- Max Pirkl
- Stefan Diezinger
Building trust with clean energy certificates (14 min)
- Florian Roehr
H2 and offshore wind solutions: Pathways to decarbonization utilizing wind power at sea (12 min)
- Niels van der Laag
- Ljubisa Petkovic
Industry as a main emitter of CO2 - problem or opportunity (13 min)
- Engelbert Schrapp
Waste heat utilization as a lever for decarbonization (22 min)
- Boris Rigault
Driving the energy transition. Personal growth opportunities (13 min)
- Annelotte Ziehm
- Moritz Koesters
The road to 100% Hydrogen (8 min)
- Danijel Buksa
- Thomas Tiemeyer
Generating power with zero or low-carbon emissions for a carbon-neutral industry
Urbanization, scarce resources, and climate change: Wherever we look, global challenges are spurring an increasing demand for efficient and low-/net-zero power generation, and energy from renewable sources is becoming more and more important. That’s why energy systems are already undergoing a rapid transformation – and adapting to the high shares of renewables that will be essential for future energy systems.
An efficient and cost-effective solution for the generation of heat and cold
During the next years, heat generation will be more and more electrified and decarbonized. Excess renewable energy can be converted into heat, paving the way to CO2-free heat. For industrial heating applications, our large-scale industrial heat pumps are an efficient solution to convert electricity to heat.
Lowering CO₂ by using hydrogen in gas turbines
There is an increasing need, and potential, for hydrogen to decarbonize power generation. Hydrogen capability of gas turbines to generate power and heat in existing as well as in new power plants built today will ensure their future role supporting the energy transition.
Siemens Gamesa wind power
Our wind power business Siemens Gamesa builds and delivers powerful and reliable wind energy solutions. With 130 GW of installed capacity onshore and offshore, Siemens Gamesa provides access to clean, affordable and sustainable energy that keeps the lights on around the world.
Certify the source of green energy
Along with the energy transition, the global demand for sustainable manufacturing has never been higher. We have established a blockchain partner ecosystem and launched the Clean Energy Certificate. It can help you prove your product is manufactured from renewable sources.
A robust and resilient grid: key for a decarbonized industry
Power transmission and distribution is facing a lot of challenges, such as increased global demand, emphasis on sustainability, development of digital technologies balancing the increasing infeed of renewable energy sources, and more.
A decarbonized grid is crucial for the energy transition
To meet the challenge of fluctuating renewable energy, we are modernizing, expanding, and improving the stability and efficiency of our transmission and distribution network. This includes optimizing our transmission technologies to transport renewable energy to consumers quickly, over greater distances, with greater reliability, and with reduced energy losses.
Enhancing grid reliability and network stability
To ensure the successful transition to renewable energy sources, our high-voltage products and systems can help transport energy more efficiently and reliably. This will require expanding, automating and upgrading the transmission grid, as well as ensuring grid stability, so that electricity can be delivered in the right quantity, quality and reliability.
Keeping your transmission equipment in safe operation
We provide top-notch services to ensure the highest level of performance, reliability, sustainability, and availability for power companies. We specialize in managing thousands of high-voltage assets, such as switchgears, transformers, FACTS, and HVDC substations, so that our customers can be confident in the success of their businesses.
Moving towards net-zero by reducing green-house-gas emissions
The energy transition, and coming along with it decarbonization, creates a new era for the industry and industrial processes. The sector currently accounts for 38% of all energy used worldwide and a large share of global CO2 emissions. Yet, the world economy needs to keep going. But at a reduced level of green house gas emissions.
H2 as an energy carrier for sustainable economy
Generating green hydrogen efficiently requires innovative solutions — like the Silyzer product family. Using PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) technology, the Silyzer is ideally suited for harnessing volatile energy generated from wind and solar. Combining high efficiency and high power density, our PEM electrolyzers ensure gas products of superior quality.
Gas to power solutions: bridging the gap
The share of renewable energy sources continues to increase. However, as these sources are intermittent, so is the electricity they generate- and their supply is not consistent. Hence, there is a need to develop an effective way to store this surplus electricity for distribution during periods of low wind and cloud cover. Natural gas can provide a reliable alternative, serving as a complement to renewable energy sources.
A huge potential for efficiency
Around half of the industry's energy consumption is compression. Compressor solutions can be standardized or customized in a variety of applications – such as hydrogen, CO2, on- or offshore oil and gas, natural gas transmission and distribution, air separation, (petro-)chemicals, and refining.
Cross-industry applications
Two topics have the potential to revolutionize industry: Digitalisation by having a major effect on both energy generation and consumption. Scaling up energy storage systems will be essential to address the fluctuation of renewables and to provide energy system flexibility.
Uncover value with digital solutions
Digital transformation is revolutionizing the way we live, work, travel, and play. It is promoting the safety, efficiency, inclusivity, and environmental friendliness of energy systems around the world. However, it is also introducing new security and privacy challenges and causing disruption to markets, businesses, and employees.
Your bridge into the future
Tomorrow's energy landscape places new demands on I&C – it must be scalable and cyber-secure – and it must be able to react flexibly to current developments, with innovative approaches. That is why our proven control system Omnivise T3000 is forging a new path, based on what has proven itself in daily business, and is building a bridge to the energy landscape of the future, piece by piece, with continued innovation.
Storage solutions for all purposes
Today, storage solutions supply power when needed, ensure grid stability, and support frequency regulation. They help with fluctuating power supply and demand. In a decarbonized world powered by renewables, batteries will store energy on a short-term basis, thermal and mechanical storage will provide industrial heat and electricity in the mid-term. And electrolyzers will convert any excess power generated by renewable energy sources into green hydrogen - for re-electrification or utilization in other sectors.
The central part for the future internet of energy
Edge technology is increasingly impacting the energy sector. Edge-enabled, high-voltage products will build the foundation for the Internet of Energy (IoE). At the same time, edge technology on the product and substation level is complementary to the cloud on the enterprise level.